Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Just Words....

I wonder why, when terrorists (read Hamas) give exact details of what they're going to do, no one listens. If anything, terrorists are bold and truthful when it comes to their plans. If they say they're going to bomb a city, they go out and do it. All the MSM needs to do is listen and the stories will write themselves.
They might even sell a few papers.
My "hope" is that with O, someone (read Hillary) will listen and try to get it through that thick skull of his.
I just don't believe they think that this is serious business. They think we can "talk" to and "reason with" these people.
Hamas' position is simple. Kill all Jews and raze Israel to the ground. Simple, succinct and easy to understand. Why don't they get it? I am a firm believer in "there is good in everyone." But I don't walk through life with blinders on. I see these people for what they are... Fanatics.

fa·nat·ic (fə-nāt'ĭk) n. A person marked or motivated by an extreme, unreasoning enthusiasm, as for a cause.
adj. Fanatical.
Origin-pertaining to a temple.

What part of that definition sticks out to me? UNREASONING.
How much more basic do these people need it to be?
Then there's the word I hear all the time "Extremist." And what is an extremist?

Oh look... fanatic!
Back to where we began.


The MSM and its allies in D.C. Have absolutely no concept of what we are in for. I only see the war escalating. Iran is going to flex it's muscle and wait to see if O will try to reason with him. This is not only a war between Hamas and Israel. It's a fight for the lives of everyone who is not a muslim extremist/fanatic. This is never going to get better until we see these people for who they are. Say who they are. Speak out against who they are. Light the fires under the chairs of the political machine in D.C. and demand they admit what we already know. And then harangue them until they do something about it. This is life or death. No going back. Innocence is lost. We live on fighting or we die with our heads in the sand.

I choose life.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Trojan Man... He's a malignant B@$tard

Well, it's been 11 days and I finally get to post again. The evil trojan man came a knocking and AVG let him in! After about 4 days of being unable to update my virus profiles and definitions, I realized that He had sneaked in. I found that I could not connect to any anti virus sites. Until I came upon "Windows Live One Care."
Wow, that's peculiar... The only site I can log into is a Microsoft site?!
Here's where my conspiracy radar goes off and the sirens are deafening. Why can I download an "anti virus" program from Microsoft but nowhere else? Hmm? Could there be a connection?
Well, I went ahead and downloaded it, ran it and lo and behold I can connect to the internet and any anti virus site I wish!
I loaded Norton 360 and ran it. Boom, 10 trojans found. Windows Live 1 care? No viruses/trojans found. Hmm, I thought again. Trojans deleted... windows live 1 care no longer works. uh oh. Well so much for that conspiracy theory.
Ok I still believe there is a link. Gates had me on his hit list and my computer was the victim. Just wait, your turn will come.
Ok back to the problem. I went to a site called What a wonderful site. And it's free. I got my very own personal IT/Messianic computer guy. He walked me through the tormentuous ordeal of downloading 6 different programs, including Hijackthis, DrWeb-Cure It and Malwarebytes. A few short hours later... OK, 16 hours later my computer is back and I have escaped from Bill's clutches once again. Did I mention your turn would come?
All in all, I was Very impressed with the guys at Go see them if Bill sets his sites on you.

Disclaimer: Bill Gates is a benevolent man who wishes no harm to any persons or animals of any race, religion or sex. He does not have a super computer with access to all windoze machines which he does not use to send trojans through backdoors that are not sublimated into his OS. Wait, is that too many negatives?Anyway, the references to Gates are speculation and humor devised to add a bit of lightheartedness to my travails over the last eleven days.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Great God Debate Continues

Last night I had a wonderful conversation on Twitter with greenbacker about the "Separation of Church and State". We both had some valid points, and it was extremely entertaining. I actually gained 20 followers during the conversation.

Here is the debate in case any of you wanted to refer back to it.

@johnculberson Would a hypothetical independent Texas maintain separation of church & state?

@greenbacker according to the constitution, there is no terminology "sep of church and state" it's freedom of religion, not from religion

@R_U_Right There can be no freedom of religion unless there is freedom from religion as well.

@R_U_Right Imposing a belief in general is as offensive to human freedom as imposing a specific form of belief.

@greenbacker the sep decision was written from a paper done by... help me here... Thomas Jefferson?

@R_U_Right Yes, I believe the phase came from a letter penned by Jefferson.

@greenbackerJefferson wrote the Danbury Baptists, assuring them that "the First Amendment has erected a wall of separation between church and state."

@greenbacker here is the full article.

@R_U_Right "Free exercise" includes the freedom not to exercise.

@greenbacker and I believe atheism/secularism is a religion unto itself. we all have to believe in something--even if it's nothing

@R_U_Right How can the lack of a belief be a belief?

@greenbacker Rush... "If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice." But if you believe there is no God, you believe something

@R_U_Right Is someone who is not a fan of any sports team still a fan of some sports team? The argument doesn't make sense to me.

@R_U_Right We all have to follow a college football team, even if we follow none?

@R_U_Right Only if belief is the neutral position is a volitional act required in order not to believe.

@greenbacker yes. when we are all alone in the dark, we at some point determine within ourselves if there is someone or something out there watching

@R_U_Right How can a belief in nothing be a belief in something?

@R_U_Right If I choose not to believe in Santa Clause, am I choosing to believe *in* something instead?

@R_U_Right I would never seek to curtail another man's freedom to believe as his conscience dictated, however, I demand the same courtesy.

@greenbacker and I would never MAKE someone believe in a religion. but the original point is that there is no separation of church and state

@greenbacker it is an illusion covered in a lie, wrapped in a Hope for Change

@R_U_Right I think it's a paraphrasing of establishment clause & free exercise clause. As in, "gov't doesn't get involved in that stuff."

@greenbacker the reality is that the 1st amend covers that, no church run state, believe or not, that is truth

@R_U_Right If you were a member of a religious minority group, would you want the gov't making any kinds of decisions regarding faith?

@R_U_Right If the Founding Fathers (who were mostly deists, incidentally) wanted a theocracy, they would have made one.

@greenbacker that is what I was saying

@greenbacker letting us have the ten commandment on a wall is not establishing a religion--no one is forced to abide by them--that is the difference

@R_U_Right Believe me, I'm hoping for the exact opposite of the change looming large on the horizon!

@greenbacker Amen to that--pun totally intended

@R_U_Right Good one! :)

@R_U_Right As you might imagine, religion is the only issue which leads me to hesitate self-identifying as a conservative.

@greenbacker well I'm with you--I actually struggle with my faith every day--it's not an easy decision, to follow.

@R_U_Right As a result, it often takes much more effort to effectively describe my philosophy & politics without convenient labels! :)

@greenbacker But my best friend is an agnostic, and I don't judge him--but he's also a conservative--faith is not a prerequisite

@R_U_Right I struggled for a number of years. Much study was devoted to the topic. My scientific mind found the evidence lacking.

@greenbacker and see, that is my deal too. I was a chemical engineering major.

@greenbacker remember, the definition of faith, Believing despite lack of empirical evidence

@R_U_Right Not all conservatives are as "open minded" as you. My evangelical ex-girlfriend for example!

@greenbacker ah the ex-- what a waste. in order for someone to discover they must first be open to discovery. Even my pastor is open minded

@R_U_Right As a natural skeptic, I do not believe in that which lacks empirical evidence.

@greenbacker I know, but one can always hope... :P

@R_U_Right And my fiancee's stepfather is a minister :)

@greenbacker ok, are we talking irony or what?

@R_U_Right Hope for a sign? :P

@R_U_Right And *he's* an Obama supporter!!

@greenbacker talk show host here says'how can you go to church on sunday and vote democrat on tuesday"

@tadahmom I really wasn't looking to get into a religious debate on Twitter, I swear! :)

@greenbacker this is what twitter is for. one big friendly discussion. and I like to debate religion. I helps me in some ways.

@tadahmom I hope I haven't offended too many of my followers. I'm not looking forward to talking to myself tomorrow!

@tadahmom Indeed. One of the more polite & civil discussions you'll find anywhere on the internet!

@greenbacker I can't tell if tadahmom is following me, so she might be missing part of this conversation

@R_U_Right I enjoy it too, unless it descends into attacks. I'm glad this isn't the case here.

@tadahmom Are you following @R_U_Right too?

@tadahmom He was concerned that you were missing part of the conversation. I've enjoyed my discussion with him

I love to debate religion and the separation fallacy. I inspires me because my beliefs are deep and it is truly easy to speak on something I am passionate about.
Hope you enjoyed the thread.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

They Win by Marketing. We Win By Smarter Marketing

Creative Wisdom wrote an article entitled Obama and the Power of Branding - The Big O in which she outlined her fascination with the marketing of O. Unfortunately, she has a point. His marketing team didn't run him for president. They sold him as a brand. We must in turn brand our own movement. But not the way it has been branded in the past. For too long we have let our brand be sullied by the MSM and pathetic examples of "Conservatives."
If McCain is our best, we will never get back the White House, much less Congress. Our campaign must have a thorough scrubbing and a fresh coat of paint. It needs younger and more adept speakers who can push our message with passion and vitality. We need a true believer who can withstand the scrutiny and hatred from the MSM.
While Tweeting, jimmiekersh was discussing a "Conservative Manifesto." I agree. But as a simple document, it will have the effect of any other document. Read once, put down, forgotten. With his desire to viral it on the web, it is possible that we could keep it alive for as long as someone is willing to keep pushing it.
This is where Marketing comes in. We must "Brand" ourselves. I have been in the Ad/Print industry for 14 years. There is no substitute for a logo, a slogan, and a quality product. And sometimes the product doesn't have to be quality. It just has to be believable and something everyone wants (ie. Hope & Change). The way we win is bring out the quality product. Rush says that Conservative values win hands down every time they're tried. I hate to say it but I think that's only partially true. Look at Blue States and tell me that they work every time. I have to believe that someone in those states is running as a true Conservative. Why don't they win?
With the proper marketing tools you could get a homeless guy to buy a garage door opener. He doesn't need it. But the guy who sold it to him made him think he wanted it. I'm not saying we push people to want what they don't need. I'm saying that with the right salesman, people will often change their minds about preconceived notions or even heartfelt beliefs. We aren't selling a bill of goods. We are selling freedom and individual liberty. Why haven't we been able to sell it for the past sixteen years? Oh wait, I know, our "salesman" doesn't always believe in the product.
And the ads (MSM) put out never display our product in a desireable light.
With the number of outlets outside the MSM, we could push this manifesto (I hate using this word, too many negative connotations for me) on all fronts. Video (YouTube, etc.)
Print (WSJ, Wash Times- as long as they're solvent)
Radio (We own it!)
Internet (Twitter, all other community sites, and blanket emails)
All we need is the right message and the right person to deliver it.
Who is that person?

Friday, December 12, 2008

Motiveless Malignancy

Batman, The Dark Knight...
Saw it tonight.

Awesome. 'nuff said

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Are There Any Conservatives on Twitter?

In a hundred and forty characters or less?

Good question.

I got involved with Twitter through my wife and I have seen no signs of the right anywhere. Although there is every possibility I have not run across any, I think the way Twitter is set up goes against the conservative mindset.
Consider this. When you are used to everything being handed to you, and everything has to be immediate, you simply "flock" to where that instant gratification can be met. Hence, the limited words mean less time to wait for that next fix. Don't get me wrong. As a business tool, it is superb for throwing out ideas, getting instant feedback and turning a product/service people want or need with a more reliable expectation of outcome.

Now, getting back to my original point, the conservative mind is alright with delayed gratification. We believe patience is a virtue and practice it stolidly while the left simply can't wait for the next messiah to darken their doorway. Also, the right believes that with patience comes true gratification. A bottle of wine, aged steak, many good things take time, and sometimes it takes more than 140 to say what needs to be said.

If I have offended, good. Take it personally. Toughen up that thin skin and think about why it offends. I bet it will take more that 140 to get something cohesive and coherent out of you.

To all of the conservatives on twitter, I want the three of you to DM me so I can follow and vice versa. :P

I actually like Twitter, just musing about the makeup of it.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Snow in Texas, do you hear the screams?

Yeah, the global warming crowd is making noise. I hear weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Snow is a four letter word and must be banned from the lexicon. How can we complain about impending doom when it's snowing in Houston?
I know! Climate change. Awesome idea. Now no matter the weather, we can still claim the world is ending. Three cheers for the machine of change. Who knew O meant that we would change the crisis to suit ourselves.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

When Musicians are Prophets

Ever Heard of Metal Church?
Probably not. They were just another 80's metal band that didn't come out on top.
This is unfortunate. They were prophets. Here are the lyrics from the album Blessing in Disguise:

Cannot Tell A Lie

[K. Vanderhoof]

On the pedestal you stand of promises to keep
I can make the changes and keep you off the streets
I will never let you down, together we can win
All I need is your support, the funds keep flowing in

I am the one who will make all the difference
I am the one who cannot tell a lie

My opposition tells you that I am the bad guy
But I have done some research in his private life
I feel that it's my duty to let the people know
I know it's no one's business, I destroy to get a vote

I am the one who will make all the difference
I am the one who cannot tell a lie

Raise those banners, raise those flags
Raise your wages, raise your hands
No more war, all at peace
I have the solution to all the nation's needs
Hail to government, hail to liberty
Hail to God above, hail to me
No more war, all at peace
I am the solution to what this nation needs

My missile proposition is effective as can be
No trades for arms for hostages, no Star Wars shit for me
I'm an average person, blue collar all the way
Everyone will have a job, just cast your vote my way

"Hail to government, hail to liberty
Hail to God above, hail to me

Remind you of anyone? I'll give you a hint...
The Messiah
Now who is it?
When we begin to listen to what is being said and process it through an understanding of what is true, then we begin to realize that the nature of our political system is not only predictable, but outright dangerous.
Of course I could bore you with dissertations of the fear and loathing that is the mantra of the right in reference to O. But he's just a man. He can't heal the sick or make the blind to see. He is after what all in Washington are after... Power. Unadulterated and unlimited.
Have no fear, the truth will out and the party will end. Hopefully in 2 years.
The real reason I write is that I want all of us to see clearly. Not only what is in front of us but what is behind. Digitally mastered on a bright shiny disc that is calling to us from the past...
I am the one who will make all the difference. I am the one who cannot tell a lie...