Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mental Exhaustion

Hello all,
or 'sup? to the two people who read my blog.
Has anyone ever given thought to the amount of energy we waste on Energy?
I mean, seriously! Why would a bunch of eco-activists, who are sooooo concerned for the future of the environment, fly thousands of miles to get together with other gloom and doom-ers to find out what? The earth is in jeopardy? A phone call, maybe? Or how 'bout some transcendental translocation communication through a harmonic convergence with Mother Earth? Doesn't work though. Who would get the long distance bill? Gaia apparently doesn't take "collect" calls. Oh! But I guarantee that Al Gore does "Collect calls." How much does he collect for a speech in Brussels or an appearance at the International Wildlife for Protection of the Global Environment on Hopey Changey Liberal Organizational Fund? There is only one "Global Environmental Crisis" we face. How many trees does it take to print all the money in the Environmental ________ Fund. (Pick your favorite group.) How much plastic does it take to create all the credit cards used for donations? The environment will take care of itself, and the ones who "defend" it will let all those goodhearted donors take care of them.

The preceding was a babbling rant from someone who has obviously either suffered mental collapse or a total lack of good r.e.m. sleep for the last 72 hours. All things considered, the mental collapse might be a better ailment. At least then he would be unaware of the pending doom we face through our new O-care insurance for all, Goldman Sachs debacle, Cap & Tax etc....

The preceding disclaimer was obviously just additional ranting from said babbler. Ignore any and all disclaimers to follow, as they may all be suspect. Include this disclaimer as well....

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