Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Great God Debate Continues

Last night I had a wonderful conversation on Twitter with greenbacker about the "Separation of Church and State". We both had some valid points, and it was extremely entertaining. I actually gained 20 followers during the conversation.

Here is the debate in case any of you wanted to refer back to it.

@johnculberson Would a hypothetical independent Texas maintain separation of church & state?

@greenbacker according to the constitution, there is no terminology "sep of church and state" it's freedom of religion, not from religion

@R_U_Right There can be no freedom of religion unless there is freedom from religion as well.

@R_U_Right Imposing a belief in general is as offensive to human freedom as imposing a specific form of belief.

@greenbacker the sep decision was written from a paper done by... help me here... Thomas Jefferson?

@R_U_Right Yes, I believe the phase came from a letter penned by Jefferson.

@greenbackerJefferson wrote the Danbury Baptists, assuring them that "the First Amendment has erected a wall of separation between church and state."

@greenbacker here is the full article. http://tinyurl.com/5vxp3v

@R_U_Right "Free exercise" includes the freedom not to exercise.

@greenbacker and I believe atheism/secularism is a religion unto itself. we all have to believe in something--even if it's nothing

@R_U_Right How can the lack of a belief be a belief?

@greenbacker Rush... "If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice." But if you believe there is no God, you believe something

@R_U_Right Is someone who is not a fan of any sports team still a fan of some sports team? The argument doesn't make sense to me.

@R_U_Right We all have to follow a college football team, even if we follow none?

@R_U_Right Only if belief is the neutral position is a volitional act required in order not to believe.

@greenbacker yes. when we are all alone in the dark, we at some point determine within ourselves if there is someone or something out there watching

@R_U_Right How can a belief in nothing be a belief in something?

@R_U_Right If I choose not to believe in Santa Clause, am I choosing to believe *in* something instead?

@R_U_Right I would never seek to curtail another man's freedom to believe as his conscience dictated, however, I demand the same courtesy.

@greenbacker and I would never MAKE someone believe in a religion. but the original point is that there is no separation of church and state

@greenbacker it is an illusion covered in a lie, wrapped in a Hope for Change

@R_U_Right I think it's a paraphrasing of establishment clause & free exercise clause. As in, "gov't doesn't get involved in that stuff."

@greenbacker the reality is that the 1st amend covers that, no church run state, believe or not, that is truth

@R_U_Right If you were a member of a religious minority group, would you want the gov't making any kinds of decisions regarding faith?

@R_U_Right If the Founding Fathers (who were mostly deists, incidentally) wanted a theocracy, they would have made one.

@greenbacker that is what I was saying

@greenbacker letting us have the ten commandment on a wall is not establishing a religion--no one is forced to abide by them--that is the difference

@R_U_Right Believe me, I'm hoping for the exact opposite of the change looming large on the horizon!

@greenbacker Amen to that--pun totally intended

@R_U_Right Good one! :)

@R_U_Right As you might imagine, religion is the only issue which leads me to hesitate self-identifying as a conservative.

@greenbacker well I'm with you--I actually struggle with my faith every day--it's not an easy decision, to follow.

@R_U_Right As a result, it often takes much more effort to effectively describe my philosophy & politics without convenient labels! :)

@greenbacker But my best friend is an agnostic, and I don't judge him--but he's also a conservative--faith is not a prerequisite

@R_U_Right I struggled for a number of years. Much study was devoted to the topic. My scientific mind found the evidence lacking.

@greenbacker and see, that is my deal too. I was a chemical engineering major.

@greenbacker remember, the definition of faith, Believing despite lack of empirical evidence

@R_U_Right Not all conservatives are as "open minded" as you. My evangelical ex-girlfriend for example!

@greenbacker ah the ex-- what a waste. in order for someone to discover they must first be open to discovery. Even my pastor is open minded

@R_U_Right As a natural skeptic, I do not believe in that which lacks empirical evidence.

@greenbacker I know, but one can always hope... :P

@R_U_Right And my fiancee's stepfather is a minister :)

@greenbacker ok, are we talking irony or what?

@R_U_Right Hope for a sign? :P

@R_U_Right And *he's* an Obama supporter!!

@greenbacker talk show host here says'how can you go to church on sunday and vote democrat on tuesday"

@tadahmom I really wasn't looking to get into a religious debate on Twitter, I swear! :)

@greenbacker this is what twitter is for. one big friendly discussion. and I like to debate religion. I helps me in some ways.

@tadahmom I hope I haven't offended too many of my followers. I'm not looking forward to talking to myself tomorrow!

@tadahmom Indeed. One of the more polite & civil discussions you'll find anywhere on the internet!

@greenbacker I can't tell if tadahmom is following me, so she might be missing part of this conversation

@R_U_Right I enjoy it too, unless it descends into attacks. I'm glad this isn't the case here.

@tadahmom Are you following @R_U_Right too?

@tadahmom He was concerned that you were missing part of the conversation. I've enjoyed my discussion with him

I love to debate religion and the separation fallacy. I inspires me because my beliefs are deep and it is truly easy to speak on something I am passionate about.
Hope you enjoyed the thread.

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