Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's Mac The Knife

Who says politics aren't fun?
When you never know what to expect from one day to the next.
When a bailout can seem to be a money grab for bankers looking to remodel their offices.
When the President has to stoop so low as to decry the words of a talk show host.

Well, some things never change in DC. A Kennedy is still in the Senate. The news papers are still spewing Liberal drivel. And McCain is back to his RINO ways. Does he realize that it was just such behavior that killed his chances of winning the presidency?
He came up on the floor for his first speech, and this is what he had to say in reference to Hillary's Confirmation:

"I remind all my colleagues: We had an election," McCain noted.
"I think the message the American people are sending us now
is they want us to work together, and get to work."

Bull S#!t, (excuse my French.)

We want you to block them at every turn!
We want a filibuster for even the meanest of bills that make their way to the floor!
I am so freaking tired of the farce that is the Republican leadership. Throw all of these mealy mouthed, afraid of their shadow, waffling and shying from controversy "Republicans" out of office. Get some fresh young blood with intestinal fortitude to fight these socialists for every inch of ground they can take from them. If the conservatives in Congress would only show some backbone, the Dems would be the ones shying. They are afraid of the light, because the light is truth. They have spent their entire careers denying the light, and spit in the face of those who would show it to them.
And McCain is playing right into their hands. Why do you think the media loved him so much before the campaign. Because he goes against Republicans. He doesn't stand up for our tenets, our core of beliefs. He "compromises" and relinquishes the power to the Dems. Then he says he's doing it for the People. Nope. Not buying it. Wouldn't pay a dollar for that line. He does it for his own edification. He does it so he can say, "Look here. Look upon what I have done. I have brought you together and there is Harmony in the land." BS. Pure and unadulterated.

Entreaty to McCain:
Please. Please in the name of all that is Holy and True. Never compromise with these Dems again. Know that they are not your friends, they are not your buddies, and they DO NOT have your best interests at heart. They use you for their own gain, because for them, even if you compromise a little, you've lost. You do us no service by "compromising" with them. You do great harm to our country and we will all suffer in the end for it.

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